Monday, August 25, 2008

Peter King: Total Asshat

Hmm, Mike Nolan, we havn't heard you say something stupid for, oh it must have been about 10 minutes!

J.T. O'Sullivan has yet to play a meaningful game for the 49ers, and coach Mike Nolan is already calling his play better than anything he's seen from a 49ers quarterback since the 2005 season...

Nolan made that comment to SI's Peter King. "Thus far,'' Nolan told King, "J.T.'s been better than the other two (Smith and Shaun Hill), and there hasn't really been much of a gray area. His play's been better at the position than what we've had at any point in the last three years.''

WOW! You, sir, are a moron! Not that what he's saying is wrong, but why the hell would you say this in public? And I would have been fine leaving it at that, but then...

"My comment to Peter was talking about the entire position, and I'll talk to Peter because I know him well. As the conversation was going, I said the position is playing better than it has at any time since I've been here, not any one in particular. I have been pleased with the way the individuals have played. But Alex is playing at a very high level as well, in my opinion. So it was a position comment."

Now, I'm always one of the first ones to call Nolan a moron and get all huffy about things he does, but when Peter King's involved, well that's a different matter. That dude is a total douchebag, and I wouldn't doubt for a second that he deliberately misquoted Nolan just to stir the shyte.

Or it could be that Nolan is just an idiot, and once again showing he doesn't know how to publicly handle matters. There's a track record of incompetence from both guys!!! What do we do here?!?!?