Friday, August 22, 2014

Quick, anyone

remind me what happened last preseason. Who looked good? Who sucked? Which teams went 0-4 or 4-0? And, more importantly, how did that affect their team's regular season performance?

Oh, that's right. It had no effect. Because the preseason does. not. matter. At all. How you play against guys who will be bussing your table at TGI Fridays in 3 weeks in a game where you have not game planned has ZERO predictive value. I understand the media needs things to talk about or else it will all collapse in on itself and leave a black hole that will suck the universe and all you know and love and care about inside, leaving only a vast expanse of nothingness and emptiness and Larry King.

However, jesus christ people. Will you ever learn your lesson? How little accountability does the media have that its allowed to get away with this nonsense every year? Who ever calls them out? How stupid are people who still waste their time with this shit? I pick it up accidentally, casually scanning the NFL's web page for news or highlights of the team, and being bombarded with "OH MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE 49ERS WHY CAN'T THEIR 3RD TEAM BEAT THESE FUTURE USED CAR SALESMEN DEAR LORD ALL IS LOST ALL IS LOST".

Guess who led the NFL in passing yards last preseason! No really- guess! It's hilarious. Nope, you're wrong guess again. Nope. Not even close. It's PAT FUCKING DEVLIN. Year before that? Kirk Cousins. Clearly the 49ers aren't going anywhere with this fucking loser that they have. He's got, what, 100 yards total so far? Go get that Devlin guy. He saved Miami's season last year, right?

In 2 weeks nobody will remember what happened during this preseason, just like every other NFL preseason. Yet we still have to wade through a shit stream of blowhards pretending that the performances of guys like Kaepernick (who has played FOUR GODDAMN DRIVES in 2 games) somehow portend doom for when the games start counting and the good teams start trying. It's getting harder and harder to remember why I enjoy football. I'm becoming the old and jaded fan, and I kind of like it.