Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm Done*

Enjoy this dogshit team, I can't take it anymore. Plus my kid is learning too many cuss-words on Sunday afternoons.

Damn I hate this team.

Singletary hasn't done dick. This is the same exact 49ers team we've been watching for the last 6 years. I wonder if today's post-game comment will be, "we have to learn how to finish". Riiiight. Keep fooling yourself, "Sing".

It feels good to feel the burning hate for Singletary and his bullshit message. And let's be honest, anyone wearing a giant wooden cross has to be a dick.

This isn't even a 6-10 team. This is the same team that always drops 5 or 6 or 7 or 8straight games in the middle of the season. Nothing has changed!

Alex Smith crumbles under the slightest pressure. Fuck his little hands. He should
be in the UFL. You KNEW both those picks were coming.

*Yea, I'll probably be back watching on Thursday night. I obviously hate myself.